Sunday, June 10, 2018

10 June 2018 - Sunday - Levi's 2nd Birthday!

10 June 2018 - Sunday 

I think we have just enjoyed a little bit of heaven here in our mission the past two days!  We had two of our precious families come to be with us, and cheer us on as we spoke in Sacrament.  What a great blessing it is to belong to such a loving family!  And, we have our talks behind us!!  Yea!!

I love seeing these cars in the Missionary Village 
What a privilege it was to bless the Sacrament with Tommy and Jared.  Mom and I are so grateful for them, and for their devoted interest and love for our two daughters!  And then, Zac was able to pass the Sacrament, here in the mission branch, and he did such an excellent job!  I loved watching him pass to the congregation with two other Deacons and three other men.  I took this picture of him right before the meeting began.... I think that is legal to do....   It made me smile to see his love and dedication to exercising his Priesthood!  Thank you, Tommy, and Zac and Jared!

Zac is setting an excellent example for our family!

And Jack and Cody are just a little over a year away from the Priesthood!
The Sacrament meeting was attended by about 100 people today.  With the Martin's Cove Branch standing at 7 in the membership, that is an excellent Sacrament Meeting attendance record!  After our  Sacrament meeting, Ali and Jared headed for home.  Jared had an early start tomorrow, and they wanted to be home early.  Thank you, Jared for bringing your family here for this surprise visit!

And for Cody and Zac, it was wonderful to blog together last night.  Both of these precious boys were helping me put the June 9th blog together.  Now, every time I sit down to do my blog, I will add to my thoughts the time you two sat here with me!

After the three hour block of meetings, We had lunch together with Josie and Tom and Zac and Hayley and Jackson, and Mia and Emma and Macie.  What a treat that was to have you there with us!

Elders and Sisters who have family go first!
The meals was wonderful and there was a lot of food.  We had one trek group that gave the mission all their extra food and it was put to good use this afternoon!  After the meal, mom and I had some Historic Trail training we had to attend,  I caught this last picture as we were waving and calling out our signature "I love you's" across the yard.  We are now one step closer to our next family visit!  Thank you, Tommy, for bringing your family here for this surprise visit!

Drive home safe precious family!  We love you!!
It has been a wonderful day!  Mom and I were invigorated with the surprise visit!  And we were so very grateful for all the hugs and kisses we have had the last 48 hours!  Best Day Ever!  Thank you to all of our family and friends!  We love you, and we are so thankful for the connection we have with each one of you!  And happy Birthday Levi!


  1. in that last picture I was so sad 😒

  2. Grandpa My Dad and Uncle Jared Were wonderful Priests! I also miss being parked in your driveway and sleeping at your house!! It was such a wonderful weekend!! I cant wait to come in September again!!!!! I love you so much and wish I helped you with this blog post! I loved going to Casper also!!!! Thank you for being so awesome to us!!!!❤πŸ‘⚾πŸ’›πŸ’œπŸŒŸπŸ˜

  3. Such a fun visit!! We were so sad we had to leave! πŸ˜” We love you two so much!! ❤❤❤

  4. You two have wonderful Sacrament Meeting talks! We were so grateful we were able to pull off this surprise visit!! ❤️ We all loved seeing what you do each day and being able to meet the missionaries you work with. Now we can picture everything you write about each day.😍 And that was a delicious potluck! What a neat (and yummy) way to enjoy the Sabbath each week as a mission after worshipping and serving together! πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰
    We sure love you and loved our experiences with you this weekend!!! ❣️

  5. Sounds wonderful! I’m so grateful to be part of this loving family, too!
    I’m so glad you guys could have such a special surprise visit ❤️ Can’t wait to see the video Tommy took of your reactionsπŸ˜„.
    You guys are the best! Love you!πŸ’ž

  6. So fun!! I’m glad it was suck a great visit ❤️❤️!! Love you guys!
