Thursday, June 14, 2018

14 June 2018 - Thursday

14 June 2018 - Thursday

Mom and I had a great nights rest and we were both ready to begin this day.  It was a regular day's schedule being on the work crew at the Homestead.  As we got ready for the day, our morning routine was to read together, and pray together, and then I took my three mile walk.  I took some great morning pictures, and could not decide which ones to post, so here are all three of them;

Each time I looked over at the sunrise, the shot seemed to be getting better!  I must have taken a dozen shots, and finally settled on these.  It was in the high 50's this morning so I did not take an extra jacket.  The morning air and the temperatures were most comfortable for my walk.  I so appreciate the beauties that Heavenly Father has given us each and every day!

Mom and I, then, went in to the Homestead, and got ready for the correlation meeting at 8:30am.  For the most part, we are the ones who open the meeting room, each morning, and then wait ten or fifteen minutes for the next missionaries to arrive.  I like that morning time to just sit there and talk to mom.  Once we got our work assignments for the day, we had about an hours worth of work that we were assigned.  I got done a little earlier than mom and checked out the Base assignment post, where the missionaries track the different treks.  Today by 10:00am, we had three groups already on the trail!.

We met up around 10:30am to see where we were, at in the work assignments, and we were both done with those assignments.  We then volunteered to mow the lawns, since the day was still somewhat cool.  They said to take our lunch break, early, and they would get back in touch with us.  

So we went to the Barn where we had the pot luck dinner after Sacrament, to have our lunch.  They came to tell us, about 30 minutes later, that we could work on some medallions in the wood-shop, or go home and rest.  Here are some action shots;

Look at that special senior sander serving in silence seated near the sander!

And that awesome wood burning Elder with precise burning skills!

So we made some medallions, and then went home.  We got back to our trailer about 1:30pm and enjoyed a very relaxing afternoon.  It was nice to be able to turn on the swamp cooler, on this 92 degree day.  Within about an hour, we actually had to wear a sweatshirt inside to stay both cool and warm!

My final thoughts have to do with Priesthood Blessings.  I want you to know that there is power in these blessings for everyone.  I got this idea from a story that comes from Mary Barton, who was 14 years old, when she came on the ship Horizon in 1856.  While they were sailing on the ship, she was in the galley preparing food when a man was heating up some soup in a tin can.  After the soup reached boiling temperature, he lifted it above the heads of the other passengers to clear the cooking area.  

As he did so someone bumped him and he spilled the contents on Mary's back, and on another passengers hands.  She immediately went up to the deck to get her father, and his consecrated oil, to give her a blessing.  She got the blessing and she said it was better in just a few minutes.  The other passenger refused a blessing and it took his hands over two weeks to get better.

Sometimes I think we take Priesthood Blessings way too lightly.  Me included.  Why would a loving Heavenly Father provide these precious opportunities to receive these powerful administrations and we not take more advantage of them?  The faith of a 14 year old girl carried her over the ocean, to a new land, and a sacred opportunity to become even better acquainted with her Heavenly Father.  


  1. I agree about the blessings... I want to take advantage of every blessing the Lord wants to give I wonder how often I suffer needlessly.
    I love the pictures of those two senior missionaries and was impressed with the nice alliteration that went with Granny’s pic!😜👍🏻
    Love you guys so much!!

  2. I was awake at 3:15 this morning thinking about priesthood blessings— so crazy that when I read your blog you talked about them as well. ❤️ I love priesthood blessings!
