Thursday, June 21, 2018

21 June 2018 - Thursday

21 June 2018 - Thursday

Mom and I were up at 4:15am this morning to prepare for our day of being Trek Hosts.  We were in for an absolutely fantastic experience!  But first a note to begin our day.  We were late getting to bed last night.  Mom was in bed by 9:30pm and I wasn't too far behind at 10:15pm.  Closing the Visitors' Center and then having an opening trek so early offers up its challenges!  But we were so excited to be with this Garfield 3rd ward!

We had our morning prayers and scripture reading.  Then we had breakfast around 6:00am.  And we were ready to leave for the Homestead at 6:45am.  We got there at the Homestead at 7:00am and put on our sunblock and repellents.  We were ready to meet our group coming in from Sixth Crossing at 7:15am!  Only they left just a little later than scheduled, and got here just a little past 8:00am.  As we met them and had the introductions, we felt the Spirit so strong and knew that they had prepared well.  And as we went through the course of the days activities, we were not disappointed in any of their talks or presentations.  

8:15am at the Outfitting Center at the Homestead

On the sand trail leading to our first activity at the river crossing
The Garfield 3rd ward trek leader was so well prepared.  Sister Wahlen had assignments at the river crossing, the rescue statues, at Dan Jones Cove and at Veil Bridge.  Every venue was so well prepared for that I just needed to record this marvelous experience here.  

For Bob Sr, the Bishop is the dentist in Rigby and remembered Bob in the hot dog wagon at Abbott's And the medical doctor was Dr. Hammer.  His partner Dr. Curtis works at the Community Care in Rigby,  with him, and is the one who gave mom and me our physicals for this mission.  Dr. Hammer's brother is a Physicians Assistant in Rexburg and remembers Josie and Ali's children from their visits.  Then for Bobby III, Brother John Bezzant told me his daughter talks about Bobby from his 5th grade class in Rigby.  How is that for connections!

At the river crossing these 4 Priests and this Laurel sang and she played the violin

The Laurel played the violin all through the river crossing

That is the Bishop on the right running out to help his ward members cross

Then the Bishop helps his Laurel and her mom make the last crossing
Can you feel the Spirit from this preparation?  The music was "Come, Come Ye Saints", and the song the boys sang was worthy of a music award!  What a sweet Spirit and the youth were reverent and so quiet during the crossing and the presentation.  They had their Bishop take the river crossing first and then he assisted every one up the bank to dry ground.  A true picture of a Bishop involved in the rescue of his youth and their leaders!  It was truly an awesome moment.

Dan Jones Cove - a Priest was their playing his guitar to welcome the group
In Dan Jones Cove, we cautioned the trek leader that there is very little shade.  All the seats are directly in the sun.  So what does Heavenly Father do?  He brings a cloud over the cove and the group had 20 minutes of shade.  It was just enough time for four youth to share a significant story in the Martin Handcart Company and then the Bishop gave his youth, their parents and the youth leaders a powerful Bishop's blessing.  We then went single file through Martin's Cove.

The Garfield 3rd ward coming to the top of Martin's Cove
The walk though the Martin's Cove was reverent and quiet.  There were a few who took the trek slower than the others, and one adult got nauseated and had to return back to the handcart parking area.  So while we waited at the top for the clearing of this sister, the trek leader asked me to share a thought or two.  I always get excited for this invitation!!  Here is in essence what I said to them and would like to repeat to my precious family and friends;

I told them that they were such a wonderful group and that there had been two significant experiences for them today.  First the river crossing where the Spirit was so strong, and I invited them to remember that feeling.  Next was the powerful blessing the Bishop had left on them at Dan Jones Cove along with the testimonies shared through the music and the talks along the way.  I invited them to, again, remember the feelings they had of the spirit testifying to them during these events.  

It was then my privilege and testimony to them that although some had reservations of coming on this trek, they were to be commended for being here.  And then to feel the Spirit from these experiences was exactly what President Nelson was talking about when he said, "in the coming days, (not weeks or months or years), it will not be possible to survive spiritually, without the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  I then reminded them that what they felt at the river crossing and at the devotional at Dan Jones Cove, and the Bishop's blessing, was that spirit that President Nelson was talking about.  It was such a sweet moment for me.... I felt the Holy Ghost was speaking through me.

Later several adults came to me and said that was exactly what they needed to hear.  I am so grateful for the promptings of the spirit that helped me to say the things this precious ward youth, and their leaders, needed to hear!! 

Now, for my grandchildren.  Perhaps your feelings and the promptings of the Spirit will come to you in different ways.  However, these promptings and feelings will come.  It may be when you do something nice for someone.  It may come when you have someone you know needs some help or a kind word, and you act on that feeling.  It may come from the fasting on social media or when you share a copy of the "For the Strength of Youth" Pamphlet with a friend who doesn't know much about our faith.  It may come when you are sitting in the Sacrament meeting and feel the spirit of the Sacrament, or during a family council where you help offer suggestions for a happier family.  These feeling can, and will happen, and President Nelson has told us that we will be prepared for these kinds of experiences if we keep the commandments, and read our Scriptures, and serve other in our families and neighborhoods, and when we always pray to our Heavenly Father, who waits for you and me and each, of us every morning and every night! 

Now you know why this was such a special day!!  Thank you for checking in with us tonight!  We love you!


  1. What a special day💗. I love hearing of these experiences you are blessed to have. How wonderful. Thank you for your faith and testimonies and thank you for being able to be guided by the Spirit!❤️ Love you!😘

  2. What a neat day!! ❤️ Such amazing experiences. ❣️I love how well you preserve and share them! Thank you for the sacrifice of time and sleep it takes you to do this blog! It's worth it! 💕💕💕
    We love Mark Hammer. He takes great care of the kids. What a fun, small world.
    You two are amazing! 😘💕

  3. Such a small world! That's so fun!!

    And I remembering someone's setting apart blessing while reading your experiences today! ❤

  4. What a neat experience! I love when leaders prepare and make the experience one to remember for the youth! ❤️
