Monday, June 25, 2018

25 June 2018 - Monday - Cody's 11th Birthday!

25 June 2018 - Monday

Today mom and I noted the celebration of Cody's 11th birthday.  He had an outing with his boy cousins and got his knee injured at the water park, and was taken to Community Care for an examination.  We understand he is able to walk on it, but he is not able to stretch it completely out.  Cody, Granny and Grandpa love you so much and hope you feel better real soon!  Happy Birthday!

I was able to get in my three mile walk this morning.  Mom and I had our prayers and scripture reading, together, and then I was able to welcome the sun rise on my morning walk.  We were both excited about this being our P-day, and the upcoming visit with the Sathre Family!  We have a busy week ahead of their arrival, but we are so excited to see them!

We left for our correlation meeting at 7:45am this morning.  It is always so much fun to be early and get our days started together.  Granny and I then drove to Casper for our groceries, and to have our car washed at the car wash near the restaurant we had lunch at.  It was definitely not the detail car wash I intend to give our car when we get home, but it looks and feels so much better!  And as we drove to Casper, we got the best gas mileage we have ever gotten with our 2017 Honda CRV!

Highest gas mileage yet in our CRV! 
We had a great time shopping and collecting supplies for the week.  We even picked up some milk for the grandchildren when they arrive Saturday.  On the drive home, my eyes were so heavy, but we finally pulled into Missionary Village and I got to take a very nice nap!  That felt so good to stretch out and rest in the recliner chair.

Tonight our district was responsible for the Family Home Evening.  We had a fire at the fire pit right outside our trailer so that the missionaries could roast marshmallows and make s'mores.  Then we shared testimonies of our experience so far in our mission assignments.  Mom and I started it off with some experiences that I have shared here in the blog to kind of prime the pump.  Then we had an hours worth of really neat experiences that the missionaries have had with the groups they lead on these treks,  Here is one of my favorites;

An awesome fire to roast marshmallows over!

Senior Missionaries sharing stories about their experiences thus far
A stake group trekking over at Sixth Crossing was involved in a women's' pull.  As the girls were pulling the handcarts up through the line of young men, they were grateful for the young men who were singing two songs, "As Sisters in Zion", and "Come, Come Ye Saints".  They were so impressed with them singing, that they gathered around the boys, after reaching the top of the hill, and thanked them for their kindness and thoughtfulness.  

When the boys and their leaders heard the young women expressing their gratitude, they had to admit that none of the boys, or the men, were singing as they passed by.  The young men were absolutely and reverently quiet as they passed by, and yet a majority of the young women heard the songs being sung. 


  1. Neat story! Sounds like a great day! ❤️

  2. Wow!!! Incredible! What a neat experience!!!

    Maddie Loves you both so much and so does the rest of us!! (She's reading the blog with me tonight 😁)
