Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 3, 2016 - Sunday in Nauvoo

Mom and I had an enjoyable Sabbath Day, today.  We walked to our meetings this morning at the Stake Center.  Boy were we bundled up!  It was in the high teens this morning, and it appeared that there were no clouds.  By the end of our meetings there was overcast and it was a chilly walk back home!  Good thing it was less than 6 blocks!  Our warm little cottage sure felt good as we came inside!

We started off our morning with our prayers and devotional together.  This was a day of fasting, and we were grateful to focus on this new year and the promises, and experiences, that are just ahead of us!  We also had the day off from site assignments, so we really enjoyed the afternoon together.  We had some fun later this afternoon taking some treats out to some site missionaries who were assigned and scheduled today.  That was fun!

Then, tonight, we had our Zone Conference and that was interesting.  We had a group "exit interview" with the mission president.  There were some interesting things he said. He kept the open interview very positive, as is his trademark, and encouraged us to stretch ourselves this year 2016.  Mom and I have discussed this as one of our resolutions for 2016, and have agreed to be the best we can and make some adjustments.  It was fun to hear his counsel, tonight, and know that we had already made that decision!

Also, on January 20th, we have a worldwide missionary broadcast that will be for all missionaries.  It will be a two hour presentation, probably originating from Salt Lake, and all full time missionaries will be asked to set everything aside and attend the broadcast.  Our sites will not be opened until 30 minutes after the broadcast, that day, so that will be a busy day for us.  There are about 20 hours of preparation they have asked us to review, before the broadcast, so mom and I will be kept pretty focused in getting ready for this event.

Thank you for checking in with us tonight!  We love you and appreciate your support!

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