Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2016 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

We have had a busy day, today, here in the mission field.  Sister Goodman has been working on recording a new CD for the new missionaries entering the Nauvoo Mission for the Rendezvous Play.  Its purpose is to help the new missionaries understand the play and get acquainted with it before arriving here.  There are about two dozen or so missionaries that were invited to participate in the recording.  I was asked to record the parts associated with the Editor where the music was involved.

Sister Goodman has been very involved in major musical productions with her family and she has been wonderful  getting to know.  We could tell she knew what needed to be done.  Elder Apperson was a base guitar singer, and player, associated with the Buffalo Springfield Band in the late 1960's.  He just "happened" to bring his recording instruments with him to the mission field without being asked to. 

My first recording session was at 8:30am this morning, and I met, again, with Sister Goodman and Elder Apperson, at 1:30pm after our shift at the Visitors Center.  Sister Goodman was concerned with the making of the recording and fielding all the "suggestions", that seem to be unending, from some of the 'professional' folks here in the mission.  However, her effort was well received and the recordings went pretty smooth.  I think she was happy with the recording sessions.  Now they need to put it all together and begin the CD recordings.

I just have to note here that the Spirit was so strong in both of my recording sessions.  As we lined up around the microphone and practiced our lines, there were a lot of mistakes made on the speaking parts.  But, when we actually started to record the session, the words were spoken clearly and without error.  Mom and I could "feel" the Hand of the Lord in that recording session.  It appeared that He knew that hundreds of new missionaries coming into His field of labor here in Nauvoo would benefit from this humble effort.

Elder Apperson, seated, with his recording equipment

We are standing around a microphone with our recording ear plugs and scripts

Another group shot at the 8:30am recording session

Sister Goodman giving us some instructions
This was such a choice experience for me!  Working with two artists that have had a powerful impact on the world of music!  And working with fellow missionaries just trying to be the best we can be.  This ranks pretty high on our experience list here in Nauvoo.  Mom got to be here taking pictures and listening to the developing product.  And, it was the Spirit that witnessed to us that this work was acceptable to Him.

Mom and I had a good day at the Visitors Center and we had about 15 guests come in.  The temperatures were so low that the horses were not hitched up for rides today.  But we had some good conversations and mom had an opportunity to talk to one of the guests who may have been a member of the Church but less active.  He had worked here in the area and was being transferred to another facility.  He felt he needed to make a visit to Nauvoo before he left on his new assignment.

To close our day we had dinner with the Mamales'.  They were with us in the MTC and will be leaving next Tuesday.  They were here for just a year and will be returning to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  They leave for home next Tuesday.  We were grateful to meet them back in February at the MTC and get to know them here in Nauvoo.  We have such good memories already of the missionaries we are meeting!

1 comment:

  1. What a neat experience!!❤ I'm so grateful you get to have these choice experiences and have such wonderful associations! "Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven..."❤
