Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 4, 2015 - Tuesday in Carthage

What a full day we have had today!  The temperature and the humidity have been very mild today and it almost seems like the beginning of Fall.  Mom and I had our morning devotional and prayers and then took a nice morning walk.  We got back from the walk by 6:30am and did the cleaning of the jail.  It is such a privilege to clean and prepare the jail for our guests each morning.  We were at the Visitor's Center by 8:15am and ready to start receiving our guests!

My first tour was with two fathers, one father with two sons, and the other father with three sons, in tow.  I love taking families through the tour and teaching them about Joseph and Hyrum.  Joseph being the Prophet of the restoration, and the one who sealed his testimony of the restored Gospel here in Carthage with his blood.  

And his brother, Hyrum, who was one of the best examples of what a big brother can do to support his younger brother.  Having fathers and sons together really offers a unique opportunity to teach about how important a close brother to brother relationship is.  Then I also have the sweet experience of turning some time over to the fathers in the Martyrdom room as the Spirit dictates.

Mom and I had several tours today before we set up for one of the last performances by the Nauvoo Brass Band.  We have had so much fun with these Young Performing Missionaries each week.  It has added so much to our experience here in Carthage this summer.... agreed Sathre's and Brown's??? !!!

Then, mom and I had a real special treat tonight.  All the Pa's and the Marie's and the Jimmie's gathered tonight in the Cultural Hall in Nauvoo to perform in front of all the Young Performing Missionaries.  Each of us got to perform our Vignette and we got to see how the others did theirs. We were all so much different from one another but all were so much fun to watch.  The YPM's loved the show and they acknowledged our efforts with loud applause!

For me, it was an amazing adrenaline rush!  Not so much out of fear, but out of wanting to do my very best.  Being motivated to be the best you can be is such a basic principle of the Gospel, and giving my best in this kind of a situation has never before entered my mind!  But what a sweet experience it was!  Elder Rosenberg and Sister Solomon were both exceptional, and were so much fun to work with this summer.  

Little did I realize, at the beginning of this summer, how much this would affect me... First the memorization, then the execution of my lines and how my efforts affected the others, when I did good, or, as Jackson would say, "Grandpa you really messed up that part", and then the pure joy when things went right...!

But no.... I am not addicted to acting, and I am not coming home at the end of my mission, to join the Stake Road Show!!!  No way!  I am still the best audience guy there is and ever will be and mom and I will always maintain that position..... unless, at some future family reunion, we.......?

It has been a great day and we are looking forward to welcoming our guest tomorrow evening!  They get to see us on the Sunset Stage, and I use the word, "get" very loosely.  Welcome Jackie and Dave and Devyn!!!

Thank you for joining us tonight and seeing how these two senior missionaries are doing!  We are approaching the end of our 5th month in Carthage and know that our time is short here.  It has been a real blessing to have been able to serve here and to have had family and friends come here to see us.


  1. Agreed! We loved the young performing missionaries!! We are so grateful for your time at Carthage. What a treasured, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit you there and "live" for a few days on that sacred ground!!❤

  2. The young performing missionaries were great! Loved them! That must have been a fun show for you guys! 😊 We sure love you guys!
