Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4, 2016 - Wednesday in Nauvoo

Due to the Wednesday morning weekly training meeting, we missed another chance to take our morning walk.  Even with the time frame of being at the Visitor's Center for the meeting this morning at 7:30am, we had our morning devotional and prayers as usual.  Then, I was able to work out for about 30 minutes while I waited for my turn in the bathroom.  We made it to the meeting by 7:15am.  Great timing!

This morning's meeting was interesting.  It is always exciting to gather as senior missionaries.  Almost every senior missionary serving here has been in countless leadership and training positions over their lifetimes.  However, the lessons we have been taught, the last two training meetings, have come from the young sister missionaries!  Today's topic was on being "humble" from the Preach My Gospel manual.  That was fun!  Teaching senior missionaries about humility!  Sometimes that is exactly what is needed!

During the presentation, at about 8:00am, I got a text from Ginger Bird.  She was here with her daughter, Savannah, for a two day visit.  Savannah had the option of picking which temple she wanted to attend when she turned 12, and she picked Nauvoo.  Lewis and Ginger have given each of their children that option over the years.  

Ginger made contact with me about a month ago, letting us know they were coming.  I set up a hand cart trek for them, and helped arrange other activities, in addition to their temple visit.  Here are some pictures of Ginger and Savannah;

Savannah is so excited to visit the temple!

This is one entrance to the Nauvoo Temple Baptistry
Mom and I were assigned to the gardens today, so I was able to break away and do a one mile trek with them.  Then I made some suggestions of sites to visit and we parted company.  This afternoon I realized some of my family would appreciate seeing how much Savannah has matured!  They will be heading back home sometime tomorrow, but they might have time to visit me at the Brickyard.  It was good to see them.

And to wrap up the day, we had the Sunset rehearsal at 6:30pm.  We have a fresh group of senior missionaries who are so ready for the stage.  It is very interesting to see how they compete, with each other, to show off their talents and eagerness to play the leading roles and narrations.  I am especially intrigued by  those who keep telling us in the public meetings how they have always been in "leadership positions".  What is that all about?

It is like they are campaigning for more responsibilities.  I haven't seen much of this in my 40 plus years as a member of the church, but I did see a lot of that in college as folks were trying to get in a position to be elected to leadership offices.  And more recently, I have seen this effort on the political stage in our own country!  It is a very strange thing, to me, to see this effort being made by a few here in Nauvoo.  All in a days work of a Nauvoo senior missionary!  Very entertaining!

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