Saturday, May 14, 2016

May 14, 2016 - Saturday in Nauvoo

How cold can it get in May in Nauvoo?  Well, this morning we saw temperatures barely in the 40's.  Mom and I both wore extra layers to take our walk!  After we had our morning devotional and prayers, we started our four mile walk at about 5:30am.  I have to admit that the air was crisp and clear and clean, and the sky was filled with clouds.  The wind was blowing pretty steady, so it sure felt good to wear our heavier coats and gloves!  We snapped this picture early this morning;
                      Barges being driven by one tug!
This picture is of the tug pushing these barges.It has to be a pretty powerful tug..They call this a barge tow.  Each one has 15 barges that the tug pushes and these barges together contain the equivalent of 870 semi trucks.  It is a very economical way of delivering the grain or whatever.  Sixty percent of the grain shipped elsewhere is taken down the Mississippi.

I had the late shift at the Riser Boot shop, from 11:45am to 5:00pm,  and mom had a split shift at the Heber C. Kimball home.  As I was resting in my chair, before getting ready for work, I noticed that the sun started to come out.  I decided to get up and jump on mowing the lawn.  I haven't been able to get that job done, this past week, because of the rain and the work schedule!  You can only imagine how high the grass was getting.  I started at about 9:15am and got done with most of the lawn by 10:30am.  

It usually takes me about two full hours to complete the entire job, but, today, I needed to leave the house by 11:00am to be at my assignment.  The walk to the Boot shop takes about 30 minutes and I wanted to stop by mom's site on the way.  I just barely made it with taking a shower and getting dressed in the 30 minutes of remaining time!

Then, our final assignment was our practice doing the Sunset play.  Since the weather was clear, (meaning no rain), we rehearsed on the outdoor stage.  Mom made sure I took my coat, and boy was I glad I had it!  It must have been in the low 40's with the wind chill, and that coat kept me pretty comfortable for the 90 minutes we were out there.

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