Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1, 2015 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

It has been a marvelous first day back to work after a great P-day yesterday.  We served in the Visitors Center for the opening shift.  It was a slow day but we have had some great opportunities to share the Gospel message.  We had one very skeptical couple come into the Visitors Center at about 12 noon and didn't leave until after 4:00pm.  Mom spent some time with her and I spoke with him.  They both were very curious about why we would spend so much time with them!  Mom shared her testimony and I worked with them to show them some movies.  Then the Ramsey's spent the afternoon with them and suggested they come to the Rendezvous Play tonight.  And they came!  They must have spoken with a dozen missionaries before the evening was over!

We began our morning with our daily devotional and prayers.  We then took our entire morning walk around Nauvoo and got in a good workout.  Then, as mom was getting ready, I went through another 30 minutes of stretching and working out.  Then we walked over to the Visitors Center.  The day was overcast and didn't get above the mid 40's, but in the absence of a strong wind, it was a pretty nice day.

About 4:00pm our time we got a call from Ali concerning Tom's dad and some major issues with his heart after a hernia operation.  Mom and I immediately went to our knees to offer our love and support in supplicating divine intervention on Ron's behalf.  We later learned, after Rendezvous, that things were amazingly better and that a potential release date from the hospital was already being considered.

What a tremendous blessing it is to have a loving Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, as a focal point of our lives!  When help is needed, They are only a prayer away and are so willing to accommodate our petitions.  In this case, Ron's life was extended and family members and especially precious grandchildren, were given more time with and beloved Grand-pop!  Life is good!  And, eternal life is our goal together!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Many tender mercies.❤ Heavenly Father is in the details, we just have to trust Him.❤ Life is good and so precious and fragile! I'm so grateful for the Atonement which makes it possible to live life to its very fullest.❤ No regrets, no wasted moments with Jesus help and our covenant relationship with Him.❤
