Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27, 2015 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

The days keep marching on as we have arrived at this day in October!  Mom and I had separate assignments today.  I worked in the Family Living Center from 9:45am until 2:15pm, and mom was at the Lyon Drug and Variety Store all day from 9:45am until 5:00pm.  

One of my favorite stories from the Lyon Drug and Variety Store was the set of china that was discovered by a young fisherman who was fishing in the Missouri River around the mid 1970's.  It was a time when the water flow was low and he discovered the top of a trunk showing, at the water level.  Inside the trunk was a complete set of china that was probably heading for some retail market in the mid 1800's.  

Here is mom with her companion today with the china in the background;

Sister Rasmussen and Sister Lasher (check out that turkey)
Also in the background of this picture, the freshly killed turkey hangs ready to be sold.  Can't imagine buying a turkey like this for Thanksgiving, and yet I don't think the pioneers in the 1800's could ever imagine buying a fresh turkey in the deli case!

The visitors were few today so we had some time to talk and make rope in the Family Living Center.  Of the few visitors coming by the Family Living Center there was a family heading back to Utah after picking up their son who was just released from his mission in Wisconsin.  Of course the mother was beaming and his sister and brother were pretty happy to have him with them.  He plans to enroll in Snow College and pursue his education after he is released by his Stake President and he works for a few months.  

It sure brought back memories of our two missionaries returning home and the reunions we had with college students.  Boy, I sure don't like the idea of being separated from our precious family!!  Wait a minute.... mom and I will be the next returned missionaries!   And graduates from the Nauvoo Theater of Arts!

Today was a cold and rainy day in Nauvoo.  The rain fell steady throughout the day and has continued tonight.  It was a great night to be home and in our warm living-room in our jammies!  Doesn't get much better than that unless you have grandchildren running around and getting roughed up by their Grandpa!

1 comment:

  1. They are looking forward to getting roughed up by grandpa!!😊❤
