Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4, 2015 - Saturday in Carthage

Well, this has been an interesting Independence Day celebration here  in the mission field.  We, as missionaries,  hear some of the things going on in the world, but the most disturbing is the state of our dear country.  It just seems like evil is taking over at such an increased pace.  But when we testify to those who come here to visit, I feel we have a fighting chance because of all the good people we are meeting from all over the United States, and, in addition, to the good people we get to serve with.

We had a very special guest this morning that one of the missionaries told me about.  He and his wife are in their 60's but not members of the Church.  As we had time to talk with them today, it was discovered that he came with his wife because of how he feels here when he walks these grounds.  He has a Book of Mormon and has read some of it.  He knows Joseph Smith was a great man and a Prophet of God, but he just can't make that next step to join the Church through baptism.  But today was a little different for him.  He had just buried his 46 year old son after a bout with cancer.  He said that you should never have to bury your children.... and I agree.  However, he knew where he could find peace, and he and his wife came here, and were challenged to pray and prepare to make the covenant of baptism and learn about the fulness of the Gospel.  Do you think they might be ready?

I had another experience with the wayward daughter of one of the missionaries serving here in Nauvoo.  She and her family came to Carthage with her mother early this morning.  The mother had arranged for me to give them the tour and share my testimony with them.  Almost from the moment I met them I knew they did not want to be there.  As I was giving the tour they were not very interested in anything I had to say.  The Spirit was definitely absent in this effort.  I could not help but wonder what I could have done more.  Then I realized that it wasn't up to me to get them to have a positive experience.  They had to make the effort and be ready to receive that inspiration.  All I could do was pray, read my Scriptures, and be worthy and willing to serve this mission.  They had to do their part to benefit from such an experience.  I was saddened for the mother of this daughter and her family.  They have made a conscientious effort to refuse the blessings of the Gospel.... but maybe, just maybe, a seed or two was nourished for a future opportunity....

After our morning devotional, mom and I were able to take a nice long walk before we headed to the Visitors Center.  Then, after this one special tour, mom and I had the opportunity to grill some hot dogs and some hamburgers for the Young Performing Missionaries in Nauvoo.  They were all out on different assignments and were scheduled to gather at the Nauvoo Visitors center for lunch at 11:30am.  Mom and I got there at 10:30am and began getting things ready!  Here are some action shots:

Tommy, Jared - check out this grill!  Does it look familiar?  This was so much fun for me to do this with mom!  But I could not help but think about the good times we had grilling together!  Remember that smoke that nearly killed us at the July 24th celebration??  We have had such treasured experiences together, and today I felt very close to my precious family!
Here are some appreciative sisters about to "experience" their first "Topp Dawg"!  Check out the griller with his fine physique!
The Nauvoo Visitors center has a great kitchen and they take such good care of these missionaries!  We fed about 55 missionaries and their leaders.  They can eat so much food!  It keeps these cooks very busy during these 4 summer months!
Here is a great shot of young missionaries being exposed to the Topp Dawg!  They are all so talented and they spend so much energy in their plays and performances!  And we got to help fuel them up for today's shows!
These missionaries are from all over.  The one in the middle is from Canada and plays the guitar as well as sings and acts, and dances.  We have several  converts to the Dawgs for sure!

We wrapped up our service here in Nauvoo and headed back to Carthage at about 1:00pm.  We were able to assist at Carthage in setting up for the programs tomorrow and then mom and I headed back to our home.  We began our fast this early afternoon for our guests coming this week.  We are anticipating over 7,000 this coming week.  We had 11,400 for the entire month of June.  We want to be ready for them and we want them to be ready for the Carthage experience.  This next week will be our "hump" week for the entire summer season!   We have prepared the best we can and now we are turning the balance over to the Lord and we will be expecting miracles to occur to help us through this next rush!

Mom and I had Rendezvous tonight and the play seemed to go really well.  I had several fun parts including Pa at the 8:15pm performance.  And we were able to travel home safely and I know that the prayers offered in our behalf are working and very effective.  So, thank you!

And finally, congratulations to Cody who was baptized this morning!  From what I have heard, Cody came up out of the water with his BIG signature smile and Granny and Grandpa are so proud of him!  Way to go Cody!  We can't wait to see you again!

Thank you for joining us tonight.  This blog is such a pleasure to post each day as I think about each of you who take the time to read it and for those precious responses to it.  It makes this effort that much more rewarding, and mom and I are grateful for your love and prayers on our behalf.

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