Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5, 2015 - Tuesday

This turned out to be a great day for our family.  Mom and I got word late this morning that we had been given an offer on our mobile food truck and we were all celebrating.  The deal should be completed tomorrow and will give us all a wonderful boost....

After our morning devotional and workout, we took a walk and I saw these beautiful clouds.  Last night we had some pretty magnificent thunder storms and lightning shows all around us.  The rain came down in buckets and the crops in the area got their irrigation water.   That is how the farmers water their fields in this area of the country, through steady rain storms.  There are no irrigation systems in place other than Mother Nature!  Then, we get the residue of these storms with the clouds I have pictured here;


The day at the Visitors Center was slow today.  Perhaps leading up to Mothers Day, the guests will be lower in number, and then we should start seeing some larger groups coming in.  The guests we had today were wonderful.  Mom had 4 visitors who did not know anything about the Church or the significance of Carthage and Joseph and Hyrum.  She took great advantage of the opportunity and handed out 3 copies of the Book of Mormon, and shared her strong testimony and conviction of this great book.  

Then, mom and I had an evening off from driving into Nauvoo.  We stayed close to home and had some sweet calls from some of our children.  I had sent to me this morning, a video of our grandson, Jacob, in a school presentation for Cinco de Mayo.  He performed in a dance with the other 1st graders and he was a star!  He looked so good in that video that I had to call him and tell him so!  Nice job Jacob!  Your dancing took a lot of courage and you were such a good dancer!

We also got word from Josie and Tom that they are planning a trip out to see us during the first week of June.  We are both so excited to have family come and visit with us!!  My arms ache for the chance to hug and squeeze them and rough them up!  We can't wait!

This has been a great day for us out here in the mission field!  Thank you for checking in with us!


  1. Tender mercies all around!! Beautiful pictures! We got some rain too! We sure love you guys!

  2. Prayers answered! The Lord's timing is perfect. Happy to hear your good news! Truck sold & visitors in June!
    With love from ID.
