Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 7, 2016 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

Senior Missionary Update:  Lasher family arrived home safely, and, still no Levi.  We are so very grateful for the safe trip home the Lasher's had!  And we know how anxious our precious daughter, Amy, is to have that precious new baby come, ... so Levi, anytime now!  Your family is waiting for you!

Mom and I were up early this morning for our morning prayers and devotional.  We took a nice long morning walk and left the house before 5:30am to avoid as many flying insects as possible.  The morning temperature was a cool 60 degrees.  I had to wear a sweatshirt for our walk!

We both had early shifts today.  I worked at the Family Living Center, and mom worked at the Wilford Woodruff home.  We were off at 3:00pm this afternoon after a fairly busy day.  We both had dozens of tour groups throughout the day.  I sure enjoy making the ropes at the Family Living center with families.  Such a great message of being strong and working together.

The morning walk was wonderful.  We are approaching the longest day of the year here, in about two weeks.  The daylight hours have been getting longer with earlier sunrises and later sunsets.  We are moving into the busy time of the Nauvoo season and we will be cray busy!  I caught this early morning picture at the end of Parley Street today;

The Mississippi River at 6:00am
We have been anxiously monitoring our precious daughter Amy as her time to deliver Levi is fast approaching.  However, I might add, probably not nearly fast enough for Amy.  She has had a tough day as doctors and hospital staff seem to measure differently.... But Amy is a trooper and will hang in there.  We are praying for you several times each day, Amy!  Both for you and for Levi!

We had two shows for Rendezvous tonight.  One audience was probably a 6 out of 10.  But the last group of about 40 people hardly moved the scale.  We could barely get a rise out of them so they measured closer to a 2 out of 10....., and that is perhaps most generous....

Oh well, maybe there was someone in the group that felt the Spirit of Nauvoo in the performance.  I know we try hard to bring that Spirit to the stage so that more folks can have the opportunity to feel the presence of the Holy Ghost testifying of these precious pioneer Saints of the 1840's!  We sure appreciate those that are able to get into the play and respond to the efforts of the actors.  It makes our efforts fulfilling.

1 comment:

  1. That's such a bummer to have a dead crowd! Boo. Wish we could come to all your shows and spice up the crowd for ya! You guys do such an AWESOME job! So much fun to watch!!!
