Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016 - Monday in Nauvoo

We had a full and busy preparation day.  It started off early with our morning devotional and prayers.  We then walked down to the Women's Gardens to clean the Women's statues.  Our district had this assignment this month and we accepted the opportunity to serve here today.  This was our second time in the last few months to fulfill this assignment.  I caught this picture of the sun just rising as we left the house on our way to the gardens;

Oh what a beautiful morning!
We spent about an hour here at the Women's Garden.  There are about a dozen statues here in the garden that represent the different phases of a women's life.  The statues get cleaned every week and today was our privilege to fulfill this assignment.  I have included a picture of the gardens after we completed our assignment;

The morning breaks in the Women's Garden!
Then, we were back at our home and the lawn was talking to me.  The grass grows so fast that I have been cutting it every Monday for the last three weeks.  I spoke about how fast the dandelions grow in my post yesterday.  Here are some pictures of  the "before" and "after" conditions of the lawn area.  It took over an hour of serious "communication" to get those dandelions under control, at least for another few days!  Take a look;


This is one huge yard!  It goes back another quarter of an acre!  My responsibility is to mow about four feet away from the house.  Well, there is no way I could stop at four feet.  My cut is about sixteen feet from the house on all three sides.  On the fourth side the property line is about eight feet out.  The FM folks came just after I had completed the project and finished the other half of the yard.  Here is another picture of the side of the house that can be seen from the road;

A great place to park a fifth wheel!
Mowing the lawn is one great workout!  And I was able to get a little sun before the heat of the day.  It was in the mid 70's when I got done around 10:00am.

After our work was completed around the house, we drove to Keokuk for groceries and then to Carthage to see the barber.  I have been having my haircut with Jim for the last year and he is only open on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Actually, he went to Florida for three months so we made the effort to go to his shop, today, and welcome him back.  I want to invite him to come to Nauvoo and see some of the sites here.  I tried to get him to come to Carthage, but never quite succeeded.  At least he never came while we were assigned there.

I have to sometimes wonder if I am making any progress with some of the locals we have met.  However, the relationship is so much more friendly with Jim and he was happy to see me.  He reminds me of a thought that CS Lewis shared when he said;
“Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different...”  Source: “Prince Caspian” (1951)

We can't beat ourselves up too much if we are trying to be the best we can be.  The Lord knows what we are doing and He can show us the progress we are making by looking back at where we have been.  I had that feeling, today, with Jim, that our relationship is bordering on a friendship, and that we both look forward to talking for the few minutes I am in the chair.  

It reminds me of another story that CS Lewis used this quote in;

"There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, "All right, then, have it your way."  Source: “The Great Divorce” (1945)

Let's just hope that through our efforts to be kind, and considerate and show compassion to those whose paths we cross, that there really is a better way to live life.  That by submitting to God's will, we will not be burdened down and trodden under our own will!  

Perhaps Jim, and others we come in contact with over the days and weeks and months, will want to know more about the Gospel and how it can bless their lives!  We can never give up or become discouraged.  That just will not work with the members of God's Army!  "Come on! - Let's go do some good...."


  1. You're amazing! I love you guys so much! In our RS lesson it was said if you try to share the gospel and it's rejected that's alright..... just love them. Show your love for them. I think it's neat the example you are to Jim. Sometimes when we are rejected we become stand offish but you have continued to be his friend and I think that's awesome. I think that is such a great example.

  2. I agree with Ali 👍🏻- also you should have the fm people bring over the dandelion killer stuff what a pain! Dandelions are the worst!

    1. But Dandelions are Cambry's favorite flowers! I could not kill them....!

    2. Thankfully they are not her favorite now! Josh takes his dandelion puller and digs them all out individually- he's a little obsessed and we may have lots of holes in the yard- but at least there aren't dandelions 😊.

  3. I really love C.S. Lewis! Love all your thoughts!
