Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

Most of you will agree that President Ezra Taft Benson was preparing us so much for today, with his talks, and his leadership, that laid some very strong foundation blocks for us.  I believe that we could research many of his talks and find out how much they pertain to the current affairs and the state of the world as we see the events unfold everyday.  One such talk was given and printed in the New Era Magazine in May 1975.  The significant statement he made then, I find so relevant in our society today.  Here is a part of that talk;

Some day we may see that pair of hands that sacrificed so much for us. Are our hands clean, and do they show the signs of being in his service? Are our hearts pure and filled with his thoughts?

Each week we make a solemn covenant to be like him and take him for our leader, to always remember him in everything and keep all of his commandments. In return he promises to give us his Spirit.

A few years ago we knew our Elder Brother well, and we knew Him, and our, Father in heaven. We rejoiced at the upcoming opportunity for earth life that would make it possible for us to have a fullness of joy like they had. We could hardly wait to demonstrate to our Father and our Brother, the Lord, how much we loved them and how we would be obedient to them in spite of the earthly opposition of the evil one. 

And now we’re here—our memories are veiled—and we’re showing God and ourselves what we can do. And "nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us"!!

And then, President Young said, we’re going to wonder why we were so stupid in the flesh.

I can't help but think that if we work really hard at following the Savior today and doing His work today, and abiding by His will today, that perhaps we won't be as startled as we might otherwise be....  The message by then President Benson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve, parallels the talk this past conference by Elder Gerrit W. Gong - the summary of that talk is noted from the Church website; 

Elder Gerrit W. Gong
Of the Presidency of the Seventy

Each week, in partaking of the sacrament, we covenant to always remember Him. Drawing on a few of the more than 400 scripture references to the word remember, here are six ways we can always remember Him.
First, we can always remember Him by having confidence in His covenants, promises, and assurances. …

Second, we can always remember Him by gratefully acknowledging His hand throughout our lives. …

Third, we can always remember Him by trusting when the Lord assures us “he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more” [D&C 58:42]. …

Fourth, He invites us to remember that He always welcomes us home. …

Fifth, we can always remember Him on the Sabbath through the sacrament. At the end of His mortal ministry and the beginning of His resurrected ministry—both times—our Savior took bread and wine and asked that we remember His body and blood, “for as oft as ye do this ye will remember this hour that I was with you” [Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 14:21]. …

Finally, sixth, our Savior invites us to always remember Him as He always remembers us.

It seems like such a simple thing to "always remember Him", but I sure have a long way to go.  I can only imagine how much better I could be if I would just stop and think about my Savior before I said anything, before I made a commitment to do anything, and  before I begin any assignment I have been given in the sacred trust of an ecclesiastical leader!  So much to do and so little time!  But at least I can start right where I am today and try to be a little better....

We had a great day, today as we started the day off with our morning devotional and prayers.  We took our walk together and got home in plenty of time to prepare for the days assignments.  Mom went to the Post Office site and I was just around the corner at the Blacksmith's shop.  There were just a hand full of visitors today so we weren't too busy.  And we were both training some relatively new missionaries.

Mom and I had our Sunset practice tonight at 6:30pm.  We met at the Visitors Center with our entire cast.  There must have been over 40 of us there, and we still have more cast members coming!  It will be a fun show and Bob and Mary and the children will get to see us perform when they arrive here in June!   Yea!!  Our cast will be the first show on Saturday May 28th, and the last show on Saturday August 13th.

1 comment:

  1. I love that from President Benson! Thank you! I shared it with the boys in our devotional this morning. I want to remember better. ❤️
    We are so excited to see that performance! Counting down the days!!
