Friday, April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016 - Friday in Nauvoo

We had to say goodbye for a season to our precious family this morning.  What a tender mercy it was to get an extra day with them!  I think that there is a moral to this tender mercy.... appreciate the precious time you have with your family!!  Don't take any time together for granted and make each day count for a good day!

6:30am packing for home.... lots of tears....
Mom and I had our monthly mission breakfast this morning.  We had to leave to be there, at the breakfast by 6:45am, so we were rushing to be on time.  It probably worked out for the best all around.... we Lasher's hate long goodbyes!

After our first early shift in a long time, (we worked together at the Family Living Center), we got home at 2:45pm and decided to make the 4:00pm temple session.  The busier we can be the better in these types of situations!  We were asked to be the witness couple and the session had nine patrons. Then we went home and changed our clothes for the Sunset practice at 6:30pm.  Stay busy!

We got word that the Jeppson's will attempt to make the entire trip home tonight.  They appeared to be making excellent time and I am sure the promise of being home and in their own beds caused some incentives to surface and keep going....  We have prayed extra hard for their safe arrival and have all our families on the prayer rolls.  We can do hard things!  We sure love our families!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your prayers!! So grateful to be home safe and sound after that long drive!!! We had a great visit!! Glad you were able to keep busy yesterday! We love you guys!!
