Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14, 2016 - Thursday in Nauvoo

This beautiful day began as a beautiful morning....  The air was crisp and clear and there was very little wind.  The temperature was in the mid 30's, so we bundled up for our walk after our morning devotional and prayers.  Since mom and I both had later scheduled today, we had a few extra minutes in morning preparation.

I had the late shift of 1:00pm to 6:00pm at the Visitors Center.  I haven't served there in over a month!  And mom had the late wagon narrator schedule of 10:00am to 3:30pm.  At least our paths crossed when she came in to turn in the previous ride tickets.  Here is an action shot of the best narrator ever in Nauvoo, right Cambry and Isaac and Courtney?  Callie did you see Granny too???

Look at that smile!
I caught mom on her second ride at 12:30pm today as I was walking down to the Visitors Center to start my shift.  It was a near picture perfect day as I walked the mile to the Visitors Center.  The temperature was in the mid 50's by 11:00am this morning, and very pleasant to walk to my assignment!

The Visitors Center has changed a little since mom and I worked there together.  However, the meeting of the guests never changes, and I love to meet the folks coming in from all parts of the world!  I met a family from Chili and another family from outside the United States, including several families in and around Rexburg.  I'm always looking for potential employees if they are living in and/or going to school in Rexburg!

As I continue to review the conference talks, it is interesting how some talks seem to parallel my church and life history.  You might say I was a refuge living in the United Sates as far as religion was concerned.  I had no one to really teach me about God or Jesus Christ.  We certainly did not discuss any Gospel principles around the dinner table in my home growing up.  I was just trying to survive my childhood with my dad passing away so early and being raised by my step-father, whom I don't think liked me that much...  

Perhaps that is why I have looked at Elder Neil L. Andersen's talk so closely.  I did not come from a "picture perfect" family.  However, I was extremely fortunate to know that my mother loved me and tried her best to raise a good boy..... Here is the summary of that talk as recorded on the Church website...

Elder Neil L. Andersen
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

My plea today is for the hundreds of thousands of children, youth, and young adults who do not come from these, for lack of a better term, “picture-perfect” families. …

These young Latter-day Saints enter the Church with great faith. They hope to create the family ideal in their own lives at a future day. In time, they become an important part of our missionary force, our righteous young adults, and those who kneel at an altar to begin their own families.

We will continue to teach the Lord’s pattern for families, but now with millions of members and the diversity we have in the children of the Church, we need to be even more thoughtful and sensitive. …

While a child’s earthly situation may not be ideal, a child’s spiritual DNA is perfect because one’s true identity is as a son or daughter of God.

… Let’s open our arms and our hearts a little wider. These youth need our time and our testimonies. …… Reach out to the youth who feel alone, left behind, or outside the fence. Let us think about them, welcome them, embrace them, and do everything we can to strengthen their love for the Savior.

I think I can see, in part, where the Brethren are coming from as I read this talk.  I look back on my family life growing up in the mountains after my mom remarried.  Living in the mountains was a great place to be in the 1960's.  I was somewhat protected from the drugs and alcohol in my early years.  I had a step father that made sure I towed the line.  (I never did quite like the events that took place when I didn't!).  

It was in my senior year that I had to leave home and set out to find my way in life.  I was blessed with the Chez Family who took me in and gave me shelter the last six months of my senior year at Sierra High School.  I will never forget Mr. Chez.  He was kind and so willing to help me and my mother out with the conflicts we had at home with my step father.  

I was able to graduate with honors, from high school, and quickly moved to Fresno, California, with my grandmother.  Here was another angel sent to help this struggling boy find his way!  My "Nana", (Madeline Josie Howard Jones Poole), was one of the most angelic ladies in my life, next to my wonderful mother, and my precious wife.  It was from this safe environment that the Lord chose to introduce my sister and me to the Gospel, through my friend Ellen Draper.  Even at that point I had to struggle to get a foothold in the Church, so I can't help but think about how many "arms" and "hearts" were opened to me over the years!!  It boggles my mind!  

And then to have an eternal companion stick with me through thick and thin for almost 40 years is such a testimony to me that Heavenly Father loves me, and each one of us, without any reservations!  So, as President James Faust was fond of saying, "come what may and love it" pertains to each of us as we are taught the patterns of what a family should look like and what the family should be like, and how we adapt our lives to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful for the legacy you and Helen have created for your posterity. I'm so grateful for the ideal eternal family that the Lord blessed you two to be able to create!💕
