Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9, 2015 - Tuesday

It was a morning that eventually had to come.  Our precious family began their trip back to Idaho and our hometown.  We had such a wonderful visit with lots of fun going to the plays together.  It was such a sweet opportunity to lead them in a tour of the Carthage Jail and teach them the sacred details of the June 27th martyrdom.  Let's just put this visit in perspective... seeing how the grandchildren reacted to our service makes us want to be the best we can be.  It heightened our focus on our service here in Carthage and to be obedient in every possible way.

As the morning came, and the car was packed, and the goodbyes were said, we felt a tremendous  heightened level of gratitude for each family member.  We want to be together as a family forever and sacrificing our time from them now, helps us to be with them forever.  They had such a sweet spirit about them as we spent time together.  The children and Josie and Tom had a great impact on the young performing missionaries and it was a real treat to see them interact with our family!

Mom and I got to the Visitors Center at 8:30am this morning and hit the ground running.  The tours are coming in very steady each day and we were in such a happy mood knowing that we just were given a precious 5 days with our family.

Tonight we participated in the Rendezvous Play.  We got into Nauvoo about 6:15pm and waited for our pre show meeting right in the Cultural Hall green room assembly area.  It seemed like our director, Sister Curtis, had been scolded for something, because she was very sharp and negative with us tonight.  Not sure why so many parts of the mission need to be so condescending, but it sure makes for a great test for us who are trying our best to be good missionaries.  When we don't get the part just right or add things to our parts, the wrath of the professional stage folks hits us hard.... and we are not professional stage show kind of people, at least not all of us!  So goes the theater!  I felt really good about my "Pa" part tonight.  I think I hit every line just right... at least that is my story, and I'm sticking with it!  I am also studying for the Editor part and will try to be ready for a mid July debut.  The Editor is the major role in the play.... go figure.

On the way home tonight back to Carthage, the nighttime was dark and the deer were out everywhere.  We dodged 3 deer that I know of, but we were able to arrive back to Carthage without incident.  We are so very thankful for these safe trips back and forth to Nauvoo and Carthage.  We are definitely being watched over in our travels and with our work duties and assignments.

This makes us appreciate, more and more each day, that we can serve here with all the challenges and with all the tender mercies that help us to grow stronger and develop more completely, our testimonies.  Thank you for your prayers and for your love and support for us.  Every time I am able to arrive at our appointed destinations in safety, or when a particular experience with a guest is so amazing, or as simple as remembering our lines in these plays, I credit your prayers and your love with getting through to our next assignments.

Thank you for that wonderful support!

By the way, this date, June 9th, would have been my mom's 90th birthday.  She passed away in August of 1995. We miss you, mom, and we are so grateful for the sacrifices you made for us throughout your life!  We are looking forward to our reunion somewhere in the not so distant future!


  1. Watch out for those deer! They're brutal when you hit them! Glad you had such a wonderful visit!!! Love you!
