Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 28, 2015 - Saturday

We continue to meet some wonderful people here at the Carthage Jail Visitor's Center.  Today we had groups from all over the United States.  Some from Indiana, Wisconsin, Texas, Idaho, Utah, Virginia, Kansas and an international visitor from Columbia.  I was especially attached to this sister from Columbia.  She was at our Rendezvous Play last night and showed me some pictures she had taken!  To all of our grandchildren, see if you can recognize any of the "actors", and "singers";

This is a scene from the "Relief Society".... where is Granny?  "Oh my stars!  Just think of it?  The Ashby's and all ten children living side by side with the snows!"

Welcome! "You will make a new friend if you will just move over!"  And, "if your baby's noisy will you kindly take him out?....."

Granny and Grandpa giving a tour of the Carthage Jail.  This room is the dining area of the jailer, George Stigall and this is where he and his wife served the prisoners meals. Those prisoners who were not considered a risk were able to come out of their cell and have dinner in this dining room.  Joseph and his brother Hyrum and John Taylor and Willard Richards ate in this room.  Those prisoners who were considered high risks were given "room service"!  Additionally, prisoners were charged for their meals!

This is Brother and Sister Piggott from Yorktown, Virginia.  They met while he was on a business trip to Columbia a couple of years ago.  She was so kind to share pictures with me from Rendezvous last night and those are some of the posted pictures tonight.  I addition, she took pictures of me giving the tour, and then emailed me copies with the strict instructions to share these with my grandchildren!!!  So Zac, Hayley, Jackson, Mia, Emma, Bobby, Jacob, Anna, John, Cambry, Isaac, Callie, Courtney, Cody, Maddie, Landon, Mackenzie let me know that you saw these pictures!!!!  Then Sister Piggott will be very happy with me!

Here is Elder Lasher in the Martyrdom room in Carthage Jail reviewing the events of June 27, 1844.  Every time I come into this room there is such a special feeling that humbles me.  I marvel at the sweet fact that Sister Lasher and I can be here on the same property that Joseph and Hyrum were.  And that we can testify to people from all over the world about the truthfulness of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith.  I stand humbled and so amazed....

Here is a picture of a distinguished senior missionary in front of the statue of Joseph and Hyrum that welcomes all visitors to the visitor center.

Elder Lasher is climbing the stairway to the Martyrdom room on the upper floor of the jail.  These are the original steps that led to the room where Joseph and Hyrum and John Taylor and Willard Richards were being held.  The railing on my left is the original rail of that staircase.  There were dozens and dozens of the mob who stormed this staircase to the Martyrdom room, each having one shot in their guns.  After shooting off this round, they had to stop and reload their rifles.  Can you imagine the smoke and the stench the gun powder made?  The entire jail was filled with the residue as hundreds of shots were fired inside and outside the jail.

My testimony deepens every time I give this tour and I love to focus on those young people who come here for the first time.  I have tried to make this a most memorable visit for them by letting them know that the Prophet sealed his testimony in his blood along with the blood of his precious brother Hyrum.  In the year 1844, there were about 14,000 members of the restored Church.  Today there are over 15 million members.  The mob felt they could silence the Mormons by killing their Prophet.  But Heavenly Father knew otherwise.  Just in the 2 weeks that we have worked here in Carthage, I have personally testified to members from Argentina, South Korea, Norway, Canada, Finland, Columbia, Brazil and from many, many states here in the United States.  The thought that "millions shall know Brother Joseph again, is manifested right before my eyes during each tour!

Elder and Sister Lasher - Senior Missionaries at the historic Carthage Jail Visitor's Center in Carthage, Illinois.  Finally, I wanted to add a picture of our family gathered in Utah for Callie and Courtney's baptism  We are so proud of them and their decision to be baptized!


  1. So fun to see those pictures. I told Kenzie to come see Granny and she came running over and got all excited. She tried climbing up to get the computer and pointed Granny out in the play. Jared heard her from the other room with her excited noises. She especially liked the picture of Granny and Grandpa. So fun to meet people from all over! Glad the visitors are streaming in!! We love you!

  2. I just showed Kenzie the pictures to and she got very excited. She is trying to grab my phone now!

  3. Sister Lasher, thanks for making our visit so fun and edifying! It was a great experience. --the Pennsylvania Wrights
