Saturday, April 21, 2018

21 April 2018 - Saturday

21 April 2018 - Saturday

Today was our P-day in the MTC.  We have been busy this entire past week and now we have had a day all to ourselves.  Our agenda was fairly simple.  We wanted to prepare our Sunday School lessons for tomorrow where we both lead separate 5 minute discussion.  Mom has hers on "knowledge", and I have mine on Priesthood Blessings.  They sure keep us busy at the MTC!  Fun times!

After we had a good nights rest, we were up at 5:00am this morning and went to the tread mills, just in this building we are in, and had a good workout.  Then we dressed in our MTC clothing and had breakfast and took a tour of the new buildings just completed here on the MTC campus.  In one of the new buildings they have 12 different murals that depict some deep thought provoking messages about various scripture happenings.  They suggest to us what our commitment is to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how we can better take on the Character of Christ in our lives.

Our observations of these events are something we wanted to share with our family.  These murals are only available to MTC visitors and special community open houses, (of which there has been just one so far).  So take a look at these pictures and explanations.  The murals are about 10 feet high and about 24 feet wide.  They are digitally produced pictures with LED back-lights that illuminate the settings in a most dramatic way.  I know that my pictures won't give them justice but I think these images will be worth pondering in your FHE or just a Gospel discussion setting with those precious grandchildren;

Nephi looking over the city of Jerusalem, to get the plates from Laban

Points to ponder;
  • What does Jerusalem represent?
  • How do you think Nephi is feeling as he goes back to Jerusalem?
  • Why did Nephi go back to Jerusalem? 

Read together 1 Nephi 4:6
    • How did Nephi demonstrate his faith in Jesus Christ?
    • What made Nephi different than his rebellious brothers?
    • How was Nephi prepared to be led by the Spirit?
Now ask each other; "How am I being led"?

Esther entering into the court of the king without permission.

Points to ponder;
  • Esther seems to be full of light as she approaches the king...
    • What is the general feeling in the room as she enters?
    • The symbolism of red and power is strong in this mural, what does that tell you about how Esther was feeling when she entered the room?
Read together Ester 4:14
    • What can you learn from Esther?
    • How can you inspire others to stand firm for truth and righteousness?
    • How can you increase your own courage?
    • What helped to increase the courage of Esther?
Now ask each other; "What can I accomplish with the Lords help"?

The brother of Jared on mount Shelem.

Points to ponder;

  • What is the brother of Jared doing in this mural?
  • Why is that significant?
Read together Ether 2:23
    • How can you develop faith like the brother of Jared?  
    • What can you learn from the communication between the Lord and the brother of Jared?
    • How can you teach others who are living in darkness in some aspect of their lives, about the light that Jesus Christ offers us?
    • How can your teachings and invitations inspire someone to act, and how will that impact their lives?
Now ask each other:  "How am I acting in faith"?

Any one of these mural events can take up some sweet time with a great family discussion.  If you want, I can email you the pictures.  For tonight I am posting the first three murals.  Stay tuned for the next three and then the three after that and then the three after that!  We love these opportunities to help better establish the precious principles of the Gospel!

Please comment on the blog!

Enjoy!  We love you!


  1. Thank you for this!!!❤️
    Even small these pictures are powerful, I’d love to see them in person! I love the one of Nephi and the light coming up in the distance...what beautiful symbolism there. I am so excited to show these to the family and have some discussions! Thank you for sharing this with us!! We love you! Have a wonderful Sabbath! Can’t wait to hear how your lessons go!😘💕

  2. These murals are awesome and so thought provoking!! I would love to take the kids on a field trip to them... For now, we'll do a digital "field trip". ❤️ Thank you for sharing! I'd love the email copies of your pictures! We love you!!
