Friday, February 13, 2015

3 February 2015 - Reassignment Illinois Nauvoo Mission

After applying for a reassignment after returning back to the United States on December 12, 2014, we received word today that we have been reassigned to the Illinois, Nauvoo, Visitors Center.  We report to the Provo MTC on Monday 16 February, 2015, for Visitor Center training.  The training is for two and one half days and we leave for Nauvoo on Wednesday 18 February 2015.  We are driving to Nauvoo and plan on arriving there on Friday 20 February 2015.

This reassignment has been a welcomed blessing to us.  We will be experiencing responsibilities far beyond our natural capacities.  We don't sing and we don't dance, but this is a requirement in our new mission.  The funny part about this is that we are willing to learn how to sing and to dance!  This is so far out of our comfort zone, but we are very excited to do our part to make this a great mission. 

We will be serving for 23 months.  All of our children have committed to visiting us there over the next 2 years.  We are hoping to see many friends and family members come to visit and share in this experience with us.  Seeing Sister Lasher and me dance and sing on stage will definitely be worth the price of admission.... and there is no charge to attend!

This reassignment has caused us some challenges.  First of all we packed summer clothes only for the 23 months we were scheduled in the Philippines.  We had to go back to our home in Rigby and pull out our winter clothing from deep in our storage bins.  Fortunately we have only a few items in storage at our rented out home.  Everything we owned other than a few clothing a personal keepsake items were distributed amongst our children.  Now, when we visit our children we can see familiar items like pictures, beds, furniture and  books that make us feel right at home!  When we return back to Rigby in 2 years, we will need to completely refurnish our 3700 square foot home and that will be both fun and expensive!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! We are so excited to see this new blog post. Looking forward to hearing about your new assignment and adventures in Nauvoo. Can't wait to see you sing and dance when we visit. -With love from the Grattons
